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Digital ads success: Not even Fiona

Halifax Harbour Tours first season should have been huge. Alas, 2020 had other plans. And so did 2021. This is the story of how strategic digital ads helped make up for it.

Frankly, after a few rough years, 2022 was quite a relief. With lockdowns and pandemic restrictions relaxed, people were better able to take their own precautions and tourists returned to the glorious Halifax waterfront. The season opened on the Victoria Day weekend and it was the busiest, most fulfilling season yet for the Captains, guides, and passengers alike.

2022 was the best season yet for Halifax Harbour Tours and they didn’t want to stop there.

So, on the heels of their first really busy summer, we wanted to do everything we could to maximize sales in the shoulder season. We knew digital ads perform so we set out to make up for those tough seasons.

The Shoulder Season

In August, Boom12 set out to help Colin and Glenna come up with a digital strategy to fill more seats in the off-season. While the crew were kept busy in September and October of 2021 but there was room for growth. We overhauled their digital advertising strategy and increased the digital advertising spend.

In mid-September our new ads launched promoting the ultra-quiet, all-electric tour to folks in strategic locations downtown. The bookings started coming in right away.

Hurricane Fiona

Hurricane Fiona

Then Hurricane Fiona struck, it dealt a devastating blow to the season. The boat was out of commission for six days. The storm also lead to a significant drop in tourist numbers for at least an additional week. Losing nearly two weeks of tours within a crucial six-week window was a challenging setback.

Amidst the adversity, we remained determined to overcome the impact and devised a bold plan. We decided to double down on a key fact: our digital ads perform. Spending more on advertising was the best shot at filling the remaining seats for season 2022. It was a daunting task, considering we had already lost a third of our shoulder season’s tours.

However, against all odds, we persevered. Thanks to the strength of our digital advertising efforts and smart allocation of resources, we achieved remarkable results. Our business saw a remarkable surge, with a growth of over 20%.

This success is a testament to the undeniable power of a robust digital advertising strategy. It proved that even in the face of unforeseen challenges, the right approach to digital marketing can make all the difference. Our commitment to providing quality experiences and reaching out to our audience effectively has paid off, allowing us to thrive despite the odds. We learned that strategic advertising and wisely allocated resources can turn setbacks into opportunities for growth and success.

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