blank notebook lies open on a table, embodying the frustration and challenge of writer's block. Email and politics.

Email and politics: Stronger constituent connections

In the whirlwind of responsibilities that define the role of an elected official, effective communication with constituents can often become a daunting challenge.

Email and politics go hand in hand

Limited resources in terms of staffing and budget, coupled with the juggling act of legislative duties, caucus commitments, and constituent services, create a landscape where staying connected with the community can be an uphill battle. Politicians have to communicate and email is an easy way to do it without depending on algorithms and without dumping too much on too many.

Enter email marketing – a powerful, low-maintenance communication tool that has helped us help MLAs right here in Nova Scotia. Amidst the sometimes overwhelming nature of public communication, email offers a streamlined path for MLAs to share updates, engage with constituents, and disseminate information on a wide array of topics.

Always a draft, never a newsletter

One key problem we’ve worked through with MLAs and their staff is the issue of blank page paralysis. It refers to the “always a draft, never a newsletter” challenge of content curation, creation, and design. Pulling it all together every month can feel like a daunting task. That’s where we come in, we have streamlined processes to help MLAs, non-profits, and businesses get it together and get it out the door.

Email and politics, meet good process

Our processes are not just built to get it done, they’re built to ensure each issue is better than the last, that your content stays fresh and your audience is engaged with your content. Otherwise, why bother, eh?

When it comes to our processes, the numbers speak for themselves. Our MLA email newsletters are opened a whopping 60% more than the average and the click through rate is 31% higher than the average!

At Boom12, we take pride in crafting email campaigns that not only meet but exceed industry benchmarks. Our campaigns stand as a testament to the power of strategic email marketing in bridging the gap between elected officials and their constituents.

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